07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos

07.22.13 | from: videos


How to Spend your Summer Vacation

How to Spend your Summer Vacation

Yasir Qadhi

category: Islamic Identity

total reads: 20130

[The following is the transcript of a khutbah by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi on June 10, 2011, which is dedicated to the youth, especially in preparation for the summer months ahead. T... continue reading

The Battle of Badr

The Battle of Badr


category: History & Biographies

total reads: 33524

In the second year of the Hijrah, during the month of Ramadan, the Muslims came up against the infidels in the decisive battle of Badr which was to prove the turning point not only... continue reading

Salim Mawla Abi Hudhayfah

eBook: Companions of The Prophet

In giving advice to his companions, the noble Prophet, peace be on him, once said: "Learn the Quran ... continue

Amr Ibn Al-Jamuh

eBook: Companions of The Prophet

Amr ibn al-Jamuh was one of the leading men in Yathrib in the days of Jahiliyyah. He was the chief o... continue

Our Guide is the Quran

artist: Yusuf Islam

category: English Nasheeds

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artist: Miscellaneous Singers

category: Arabic Nasheeds

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Ham Wa Gham

artist: Tareq Abu Zeyad

category: Arabic Nasheeds

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